Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is gaining popularity as a treatment for a variety of medical and mental health conditions.  During this non-invasive outpatient procedure, patients wear a helmet containing an electromagnetic coil. This coil sends magnetic pulses gently through the scalp to the part of the brain that regulates…

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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a painless, medication-free therapy that is proven effective at treating certain mental health conditions, including depression, anxious depression, and OCD. What makes rTMS unique, is that it’s non-invasive and proven to be effective for individuals who are considered treatment-resistant (people who have not seen…

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Many patients who try antidepressants and don’t find relief from their symptoms understandably feel frustrated. If they choose to try TMS, they’re often eager to know how long it will take until they start to feel better.  What I always tell my patients is that, as with any treatment, it’s…

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a medication-free, FDA-approved treatment that has been shown to be highly effective at treating symptoms of depression, even for patients who are considered treatment-resistant–meaning they haven’t found relief (or enough relief) from their symptoms with antidepressants.(1) If you’re considering TMS, you’re probably curious about what…

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Can TMS Cause Seizures?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a therapy that, for many reasons, is becoming more commonly used to treat mental health conditions like depression and OCD. Some of the reasons TMS has gained popularity are that it’s medication-free, safe, effective, and well-tolerated (patients experience few, if any, side effects). While TMS…

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While depression is not a normal part of aging, adults aged 65 and older have an increased risk of developing depression. What’s more, is that treating late-life depression is challenging, and studies show that antidepressants aren’t as effective in older patients as they are in younger ones.(1) Treatment resistance is…

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When searching for information about TMS online, you may find some articles debating whether it’s legitimate. While TMS is becoming more widely known, many people aren’t aware of the positive outcomes that TMS can provide for patients with certain mental health conditions, especially depression and OCD. The National Institute of…

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One question I’m often asked when discussing transcranial magnetic stimulation with my patients is, “Does TMS hurt?”  TMS is a painless procedure performed while patients are awake and alert, and requires no anesthesia. While some patients may report some scalp discomfort, this usually subsides after the first week of treatment. …

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation is proven as an effective treatment for the symptoms of certain mental and behavioral conditions, like depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. TMS helps relieve symptoms even when traditional treatments like medication are not enough (referred to as treatment resistance). While no depression treatment is considered permanent, studies show…

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Is TMS Therapy Safe?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a medication-free, non-invasive therapy that has been proven safe and effective for the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxious depression, and OCD.(1) TMS is an important treatment option for patients because it is proven to help treat symptoms of depression, anxious depression,…

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